Working memory test

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Memory test online

Memory test online

Few have heard that man is superior to his closest relatives in the evolutionary chain - monkeys, not in all cognitive functions. The unique research of scientists from Japan has shed light on the area of our thought processes, in which we are clearly inferior to individual representatives of the order of primates.

Research history

A group of Japanese primate intelligence experts from Kyoto University conducted an incredible study - they compared experimentally the photographic memory capabilities of five-year-old chimpanzee cubs and Japanese university students. As a result of the experiment, scientists came to the conclusion that we still underestimate the intellectual abilities of chimpanzees.

The history of this research has been going on for many years. During this time, Japanese scientists Tetsuro Matsuzawa and Nobuyuki Kawai have achieved seemingly incredible results. They taught a female chimpanzee named Ai Arabic numerals - she was fluent in counting from zero to nine.

The next step in testing Aya's intelligence was an experiment that assessed her short-term memory abilities. A touchscreen monitor was placed in front of the chimpanzee. Numbers appeared on the screen, randomly scattered across the field. At one point, all the numbers were covered with white squares. Aya's task was to click on the squares in ascending order of the numbers behind them. The task is not easy, but after hard training, the chimpanzee learned to quickly memorize the numbers behind the white squares and accurately click on them in the right order.

To eliminate the individuality factor, the scientists included four more representatives of the primate family in the experiment: two female chimpanzees and their five-year-old cubs. Each pair did an excellent job of learning, and during the experiments it was found that young monkeys solve tasks for memorizing numbers much better than adults. The cub of the already known female Aya, named Ayumu, was also connected to the experiments. Notably, Ayumu's memory scores were higher than those of his peers.

Simultaneously with the primates, students of Japanese universities were asked to take a memory test. Surprisingly, the students could not compete with the monkeys in the speed of completing this task. As a control exercise, the scientists reduced the memorization time to a minimum of 210 milliseconds. For students, this time was not enough. As a result, they were only able to complete the task by 40%, while Ayumu completed the task by 80%, while spending significantly less time.

Matsuzawa noted that there is no exact information about how long a chimpanzee can remember the order of numbers in memory. During the experiment, Ayumu was distracted by extraneous sounds, but, returning to the task after 10 seconds, completed it correctly without a single mistake. The possibility of a longer storage of combinations of numbers in the memory of primates has not yet been fully studied.

But even these results are quite enough to conclude that primates are able to solve certain intellectual tasks no worse, and in some cases even better than humans.

Interesting facts

  • The rudiments of memory are formed in a person in the womb at the 5th month of pregnancy: the embryo learns to remember and recognize sounds, reacts positively to the mother's voice, familiar music. Peak memory development: 19-25 years old is the best time to get an education. Memory fades after 50 years, and only in people who do not train it.
  • US scientists have invented a pill that erases bad memories. The invention is planned to be used in the treatment of patients who have received psychological trauma. The method itself has generated a lot of controversy.
  • Other American scientists claim to have learned how to transfer memory from one person to another by extracting an RNA molecule. The result is planned to be used in education, reducing the training time to a minimum. Transferring knowledge to the brain will be as easy as writing information to a USB flash drive.
  • The results of another study: classical music has a positive effect on the synthesis of proteins in the body and increases the activity of genes responsible for memory.
  • Amazing results of the experiment! Three groups of volunteers memorized pictures in different ways: the first took pictures on a smartphone, the second just looked, the third took pictures and deleted them after a while. Most of the pictures were remembered by the group that did not use any gadgets. A kind of wake-up call for people who replace real life with photo reports.

Despite the huge amount of research on human memory, we must understand that we do not know even a tenth of its potential. But, this does not mean that our memory does not need to be trained. Memory exercises are a great way to keep your intellect in good shape and an incredibly important tool for personal growth.

Working memory test

Working memory test

A good memory from birth is a real gift. But this does not mean that our memory cannot be trained. Short-term memory is an amazing human ability that can be “pumped” like muscles and kept in good shape throughout our lives.

How to improve short-term memory

There are a huge number of techniques and techniques that allow you to train short-term memory. We will consider the most popular of them, which have repeatedly proven their effectiveness in practice.

1. Stay healthy

We start from afar, but general health is a prerequisite for our memory. Depression, dementia, Alzheimer's disease are factors that directly affect the state of a person's memory. Indirectly, but quite negatively affect the state of memory and circulatory problems, such as high blood pressure. You should also not forget about medications, the intake of which has a side effect and affects the parts of the brain responsible for memory. The conclusion from the above: a healthy body - a healthy memory!

2. Proper nutrition

Products that are good for the brain are not fiction at all, and not a marketing ploy. The high content of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in foods ensures proper brain function and has a positive effect on memory. The most popular products in this category are tuna, salmon, walnuts and soybeans.

3. Good sleep

Scientists have found that 7-9 hours of sleep per day is enough to restore our strength. This condition is relevant for the proper functioning of the brain, and, of course, for a good memory. Remember the good old technique from childhood: repeat the rhyme before going to bed, and put the book under the pillow. As a rule, the next morning the memory did not fail.

4. Physical education

Physical education is the cure for everything, and in the fight against short-term memory problems, exercise also plays a huge role. Uniform loads on the body provide optimal blood flow to our brain, which has a positive effect on the work of all its parts, including those responsible for good memory. Even a simple walk has a positive effect.

5. Active brain

An active brain is the key to a good short-term memory. Brain activity is a quality that must be constantly maintained. The best ways to support: playing chess, solving puzzles, solving all kinds of problems, talking with people, reading books and other activities that are useful for your mental activity.

6. Special exercises

There are a huge number of special exercises for training short-term memory. One of the proven and effective games is memory strengthening games using flash cards. You can find a sufficient number of games and simulators for developing memory among applications for your smartphone.

7. Focus on information

Many things we don't remember just because we can't concentrate on them at the moment of remembering. 8 seconds is the time that we need to spend on concentration when receiving information, and then it will be deposited in our memory.

8. Association with feelings

A certain smell or taste can evoke a memory. This technique is good for memorizing information. One example: the smell of a person’s perfume that you will feel when you meet will help you remember his name the next time you meet. Someone remembers a handshake, someone connects other sensory channels for perceiving information.

9. Mnemonics

One of the striking mnemonic devices is a phrase with which we can easily list all the colors of the rainbow: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits." Many people come up with their own mnemonic images that allow you to remember this or that information. The brighter the image, the stronger the memory effect.

10. Dividing information into blocks

The human brain is inherently quite lazy. We do not like to memorize large amounts of information. An effective method that allows you not to enter into a confrontation with the “lazy brain” is to break down information into blocks. A good example showing the method in action is remembering phone numbers by separating them into small parts using hyphens.

Techniques and techniques that allow us to increase the potential of our short-term memory are certainly effective in terms of improving our brain activity. But, we should not forget that we live in the age of information technology, and our brain has to process huge amounts of data through itself. This is a tedious and not always useful process. And in order to help our brain, we must eliminate all interfering factors: limit ourselves to unnecessary information, concentrate on the important, and load our short-term memory with only the work that is really important to us.